Bayside Information

Bayside Information

Our Campus

Our 200 acre campus (the largest in North America!) includes a quarry, wooded trails, extensive playing fields and shoreline on the Bay of Quinte.  These facilities allow us to offer enhanced programs in many subject areas.

French Immersion

Bayside is home of the Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board's French Immersion program.  We offer other specialty programs including International Studies, Communications Technology and EcoBound, a unique multi-credit package for senior students.

Daily Timetable

The school day runs from approximately 8:10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and is comprised of six 60-minute periods.  Students take four classes and have one period for lunch and one Multi-Subject Instruction Period (more information below).


Bayside students have a class called MSP (Multi-Subject Period).  We take fifteen minutes from every class in the day and use that time to create the MSP class.  This class provides students with the opportunity to get help with or complete assignments for other classes.  We find that this is useful for our students because it eases their work load and offers opportunities for additional help when needed.  With permission, students may leave their MSP class to receive support from a different teacher.


BSS uses a computerized attendance in order to provide accurate tracking of student lates and absences and to enhance communication with parents.  Students are required to sign in at the office when late for school.  Students are required to sign out at the office for any appointments by presenting a note from parent or guardian.  Notes for a parent or guardian are required to explain any absence.

Keep in mind that the semester passes quickly and good marks must be maintained from the very beginning in order to ensure success.   A student who is absent from a scheduled test without authorization will receive a grade of "0".  A medical certificate will be necessary if a student misses semester-end examinations.


Student evaluation is a continual process based upon class performance, tests, assignments and reports, as well as culminating activities.  Culminating activities for all courses are held at the end of each semester.  These can consist of written examinations, projects or some combination.  There will be at lest three reports to parents during each semester.  Refer to the Keep in Touch section of the website for the details regarding reporting.