
Intermediate Extracurricular Activities

  • Book Club
    Join Ms. Martin during lunch every other week (Day 5 of the cycle) in the Learning Commons. 
  • Retro-Gamer Club
    A space for students to get back to the basics and enjoy some non-tech games of chance and skill with their peers. Perhaps
    even a Cribbage tournament!
  • Coding Club
    Tuesday from 11:23-11:53 in room 225. Contact Ms. Bergman for more information.

Grade 7-12 Extracurricular Activities

  • Drama Club
    Meets every Tuesday to rehearse a fun play “Dear Chuck”. There is still an opportunity to join and try out for an acting role. See Mrs. Richmond for more details.
  • Bayside Barbells
    Want to get in shape for next season? Interested in improving your personal fitness? Join the weightlifting crew on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:00 - 8:30 pm. See Mr. Allin for more information or just show up and try it! It is available to everyone!
  • Rock Band
    Bayside Rock and Pop Band meets every Thursday in the Music Room (room 182) from 2:30 - 4:00 pm. We play a wide variety of songs from different genres, ranging from ‘Chicken Fried’ to ‘7 Nation Army’ to ‘Sweet Child O’ Mine’! New members are always
    welcome. Anyone interested in joining is encouraged to talk to Mr. Gibson or Mr. Warren or come meet the group at practice. This group often has many fun and exciting playing opportunities throughout the year, such as porch festivals and school events. Drummers: We want YOU! Anyone with experience on a kit is encouraged to come test out our fantastic new kit - come by, introduce yourself and test out!

Secondary Extracurricular Activities 

  • GSA
  • 7/8? Every Tuesday in 201 for Junior and Senior lunch. See Ms. Boggett or Ms. Karimi for more information. 
  • Coding Club - Python
    Coding Club meets Thursdays during Period 3 lunch in room 129. If you're new or experienced, all are welcome. We have resources to support you in game development or any interest at all! Mr. Richardson and Mr. Mcilveen look forward to seeing you!
  • Bouldering Club
    We meet every Monday and Wednesday from 7:30 to 8:30 pm at the Boiler Room bouldering gym in Belleville (40 Hanna Ct, Unit 105). The cost is $48/month or $16.50/day, shoes are an extra $5. All skill levels are welcome! New to the Boiler Room? You will need to fill out a waiver form upon your first visit. Drop in and check us out! You can do a visit, a month or stay until June! If you love
    climbing you are welcome to use your membership beyond the BSS Bouldering Club hours. Want more information? Please contact Ms. Stuart. 
  • Improv Team
    Practices every Wednesday from 2:30 - 4:00 pm. See Ms. Richmond for more information. 
  • EdVantage Tutoring
    Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 2:45 - 3:45 pm. Link to flyer. 
  • Concert Band
    Bayside Concert Band runs every Wednesday from 2:30 - 4:00 pm in the Music Room (182). Interested students are
    encouraged to add their names to the sign-up list, or just show up! We will play a wide mix of music ranging from movie themes to seasonal songs to classical and pop. All grades, skill levels, and musical tastes are welcome - this is a great opportunity for students to meet other students in all grades that are also interested in music.
  • Ethics Bowl
    The ethics team research and debate ethical problems that are prevalent in today's society. They meet Thursdays in room 201 during junior and senior lunch. See Ms. Boggett or Ms. Foster for more information.